Accreditation of Sudan University’s ICE Student Chapter By the British Society of Civil Engineers (ICE)

We are very happy and proud to announce that today the accreditation of Sudan University of Science & Technology (SUST) - ICE Student Chapter within the records of the British Society of Civil Engineers (ICE) has been officially approved.

The British Society of Civil Engineers is an independent professional association of civil engineers that was established in the early 19th century as the world's first professional engineering body.

The Society aims to support the civil engineering profession through professional qualification, promotion of education, maintenance of professional ethics, and the strengthening of relationships with industry, academia, and government institutions.

The main objective of establishing SUST - ICE Student Chapter is to nurture and promote the art and science of civil engineering among students.

Thank you very much to everyone who helped make it come true.

Thanks are due to Dr. Eltahir Abualgassim Mohamed Elshiekh, Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Ing. Aamir Dean, an assistant professor in the school of civil engineering,  Engineer Abdel-Hafiz Abdel-Moneim, representative of the British Society of Civil Engineers in Sudan, and students Aymen Ibrahim Abdallah, Enas Bushra Homaida Ahmed, Hager Badraldin Ali Saga, Mohammedelhassan Abdelazim, and Fadwa Moawia Abdallah, for their responsibility.

College Adviser Dr. Eltahir A. M. Elshiekh
College Adviser Dr. Ing. Aamir Dean
President Mr. Aymen Ibrahim Abdallah
Vice President Ms. Enas Bushra Homaida Ahmed
General Secretary Ms. Hager Badraldin Ali Saga
Treasurer Mr. Mohammedelhassan Abdelazim Mohammedelhassan Ahmed
University Representative in the G&S Committee Ms. Fadwa Moawia Abdallah