Study with US

Bachelor's degree was introduced in all departments and postgraduate programs were introduced at the postgraduate diploma levels, Master's by coursework and supplementary research, Master's by coursework, Master's and PhD by research, and Ph.D. by coursework and research.

A complete development of the curricula took place, and the college adopted the modified semester system of study, which was replaced by the semester system defined by credit hours, and then currently the credit hour system. Finally, the Bachelor of Technology programs were introduced in some specializations, namely civil, mechanical, electrical, electronic and surveying engineering.

The College awards a Bachelor of Engineering degree with honors in ten semesters in one of the following majors.

  • BEng of Mechanical Engineering (Production)
  • BEng of Mechanical Engineering (Power)
  • BTech of Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing)
  • BTech of Mechanical Engineering (Power)
  • BEng of Electrical Engineering (Control)
  • BEng of Electrical Engineering (Power and Machines)
  • BTech of Electrical Engineering
  • BEng of Nuclear Engineering
  • BEng of Civil Engineering (Construction)
  • BEng of Civil Engineering (Roads and Tansport)
  • BEng of Civil Engineering (Irrigation and Water)
  • BEng of Civil Engineering (Construction)
  • BTech of Civil Engineering
  • BEng of Electronic Engineering (Communication)
  • BEng of Electronic Engineering (Computer)
  • BEng of Electronic Engineering (Industrial Electronics)
  • BTech of Electronic Engineering
  • BEng of Surveying Engineering (Geodesy)
  • BEng of Surveying Engineering (Remote Sensing)
  • BEng of Surveying Engineering (Geographic Information Systems)
  • BTech of Surveying Engineering
  • BEng of Aeronautical Engineering (Avionics).
  • BEng of Aeronautical Engineering (Structures and Engines).
  • BEng of Biomedical Engineering

Students distribution is made to sub-disciplines in engineering, based on both personal desire and academic performance.
